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Ritchie’s Newsletter


We’re well into the New Year – maybe a new direction for some – or most,
considering the worlds current dilemma over the past year!
Hopefully we will see lighter days beyond the recent dark shores.
Maybe it’s good to have some sort of draft plan – than just sitting in limbo.

Who’d want to be a “Pop/Rock Star” (whatever that is?).
One can read many relevant autobiographies and form one’s own opinion.
There are many musicians whose lives have resulted in
unnatural, unpleasant, and unhealthy lifestyles.
Commercial contractual demands could have placed unduly stress on them.
So many of these musicians have had severe drug, social, and
emotional problems at various stages of their careers.

Many would have been forced into that hectic lifestyle at a young age;
perhaps they weren’t sure at the time what direction their music was heading to.
Maybe they knew no other way.

Invariably there were Managers/Producers/Record companies that
demanded results in specific time frames to meet commercial demands.
Signed contracts needed to be honoured.
It was all accepted as the “norm”.

When I was sixteen, I read something about creative prose:
“If poetry doesn’t come as naturally as the leaves to a tree,
then it had better not come at all”.

One could extend this to other creative arts such as music composition.
If music doesn’t come naturally then it’s best left alone.
I don’t push my creativity – it comes when I least expect it.
I have no idea of the source – I only know the inspiration.
It doesn’t bother or frustrate me.

I’m sure that I would have missed out on so much
if I’d lived the life of a so-called “Pop star”.
I’ve had a relatively normal sort of life – generally speaking.
Having held a responsible industry discipline all my working life
whilst playing, performing and writing music has enabled me to use a
solid structure to assist keeping my music pointing in a goal driven direction.

One hopes that ones direction is in keeping with
ones desires for most of the time.

Best Wishes – Ritchie