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Ritchie’s Newsletter

Music and Military

It’s been about twelve months since I posted a newsletter theme.
I seldom force anything; I just allow things to manifest when the time is right.

Again, I have found the past year not a very good period for creativity, as the world has
slowly been trying to come out of its two-year slumber.
Many people believe that full recovery will still take many months.

However, recent relevant world affairs have highlighted a parallel that
I can associate with from my real-life experiences.

Musicians are a disciplined and dedicated lot; they don’t ask for much as
they provide an artistic stimulating and emotional experiences to others.
It usually takes focused training and practice to achieve one’s desires in the music world.

Military personnel share some similar discipline attributes too.
They are trained to assist in times of domestic or foreign crisis.
These personnel are essentially the front line, or first line of defence.

Military personnel and musicians have little chance of being affluent;
They provide service to others and, if they’re dedicated, are constantly kept on their toes
to be ready to go at a moment’s notice.

Centuries ago, military units used music, such as drums and bagpipes
to motivate and raise moral of the personnel; but that’s another topic.

It’s a strange parallel with the two disciplines;
something which is probably not always obvious.

Best Wishes – Ritchie